The Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) is an exam that overseas-qualified dentists have to pass in order to register with the GDC. Registration allows dentists to practice unsupervised in the UK. ORE Part 1 consists of two computer-based exam papers:
- . Paper A covers clinically applied dental science and clinically applied human disease.
- . Paper B covers aspects of clinical dentistry, including law and ethics and health and safety.
This course is an intensive revision course for people who have just started studying for their ORE part 1 and/or LDS exams syllabus, as well as those who are about to take their exam The course covers key topics in the LDS/ORE Part 1 exam as outlined by the General Dental Council. It comprises of full comprehensive ORE/LDS lectures covering the entire ORE /LDS part 1 exam syllabus. Over 1,500 relevant questions will be covered, solved and discussed during the course.
The covered topics with hours are as follows:
- Head and Neck Anatomy 1 (2 hrs)
- Head and Neck Anatomy 2 (2 hrs)
- Physiology including immunology 1 (2 hrs)
- Physiology including immunology 2 (2 hrs)
- Physiology including immunology 3 (2 hrs)
- Medical Emergencies (4 hrs)
- Microbiology and Biochemistry (3 hrs)
- Pharmacology, Anesthesia and Analgesia (2 hrs)
- Preventive and community dentistry (2 hrs)
- Periodontal disease 1 (2 hrs)
- Periodontal disease 2 (2 hrs)
- Restorations and Dental materials 1 (2 hrs)
- Restorations and Dental materials 2 (2 hrs)
- Oral medicine and Pathology including head and neck syndromes 1 (3 Hrs)
- Oral medicine and Pathology including head and neck syndromes 2 (2 Hrs)
- Radiology 1 (1.5 hrs)
- Radiology 2 (1.5 hrs)
- Paediatric dentistry (3 hrs)
- Endodontics (3 hrs)
- Oral Surgery 1 (1.5 hrs)
- Oral Surgery 2 (1.5 hrs)
- Orthodontics 1 (1.5 hrs)
- Orthodontics 2 (1.5 hrs)
- Law, ethics, infection control and statistics (3 hrs)
- Quiz 1: Anatomy.
- Quiz 2: Dental Microbiology.
- Quiz 3: Periodontology.
- Quiz 4: Preventive and Community Dentistry.
- Quiz 5: Radiology.
- Quiz 6: Pedodontics
- Quiz 7: Endodontics
- Quiz 8: Oral Pathology and Medicine
- Quiz 9: Oral Pathology and Medicine 2
- Quiz 10: Physiology
- Quiz 11: Law, Ethics and Regulations
- Quiz 12: Orthodontics
- Quiz 13: Oral Surgery .
- Quiz 14: Restorations and Dental materials .
- Quiz 15: Prosthodontics1.
- Quiz 16: Medical Emergencies.
- Quiz 17: General questions on all topics .
- Quiz 18: Clinical scenarios.
- Quiz 19: Prosthodontics 2 .
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